Fiction, poetry

For fiction, you can do no better than outlay a modest £7.50 (+ £1 postage and packing) for my book of eight short ghost stories, The Promised Land. Visit the Store page….

Book image

Here’s a poem that appeared in an anthology called Spirit of Cornwall (Stuart House Trust).

Sun secret

And here’s ‘Breathe’, published in the May 2014 edition of Acumen Literary Journal.


The river’s exhaling

a child’s breath of haze

on the dull glass of morning.


huffed to hover

in wisps of grey

on the water’s face,

mist on its wet window.


These wraiths of warmth

haunt the chill

of water’s winter.

On this mist-canvas

I fingerpaint pictures,

trail my core of life,

imagine it onto

the unknowing surface.


How thin is that blanket,

how hardly-seen,

how easily ushered aside

by a mind’s finger.

But it is there,

that slender hope of heat,

on all the river’s

coldest mornings.